Friday 4 September 2009

So so...

Hm. Feeling quite low today. Even sad, to be honest. I wish I knew how to think and act when it comes to a certain thing in my life that's not quite working out how I'd like it to. Major aching inside and I don't know how to handle it. Some days I manage not to think about it at all, and those are good days! But some days it hits me and I just sink, and thinking positive feels like climbing a steep hill all covered in soap and slippery oil.

What is the purpose of these past events? I believe that everything happens for a reason, but I can't see why this time... At all! Daniel has said something really smart, and that is that people who can handle rough, get it rough, people who can't handle it rough get it easier. This sounds positive if you bear in mind YOU are one of those strong people that CAN handle it rough. One might wonder where the justice is in that, but who said life would be easy? ;-)

I try not to dig myself down too much (or at all) and I try to think forward cos I don't want to be a passive victim, but the truth is I can't really DO much about it - I can't force it to happen just because I want it so badly. And this is where the frustration lies.

Oh well, there's another day tomorrow :-) Will join my beloved but ill boyfriend in the sofa once work is over and watch movies aaaaaaall night and I will ruin this perfect week (food-wise) by an immense candy intake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there sötis..a big hug /sara