Sunday 13 September 2009


Helloooo! Went to Västerås today for lunch, and then some strolling at our mecka MediaMarkt. We will be getting a new washing machine so having a look at that :-) After that we went to investigate the surroundings of a house we had seen on Hemnet that's for sale, which looked very nice! That area will definitely be an option for when we decide to leave Stockholm! Moved on to Skultuna where they sell jewellery and so I bought this:

A big trademark here in Sweden named SNÖ (translates to snow). Daniel found two beautiful brown towels and a rug for the bathroom. After that we went to have a look at Åmänningevägen where the Skantz family used to live. Still looks soo much the same, only the wrong cars standing in the driveway and no familiar smiling faces in the windows. We were both very mushy as we left. This led us to decide we could use a cheer-me-up so moved on to the centre of Västerås where we stopped for a latte/cappucino and some cake. Wish we could remember the name, was quite a nice place :-) Daniel showed me with a small spoon how to magnetise your nose:

Of course I had to be worse...

We managed to find our car and then Daniel showed me where he had lived earlier. Stopped by Asplunds on way back to Arboga for some groceries and carried on back to the house. This is the final result:

Looking good huh? ;-) Pork fillet with gratinated potatoes! That goo you see on the bottom of the picture is butter with parsley in it, and some feta cheese on the top. Yumster! :-D

Hope you'll all have a good evening, I'm certain we will!
LOVE from us!

1 comment:

Familjen Skantz said...

Hej hjärtat!

Vi saknar er här!!!

Nej, jag har inte bjudit någon på chokladen.... inte ska jag göra det heller :=) Jag har smygätit tre bitar när de andra inte såg, hi hi hi! Det var sååååå gott såååå!

Tänk om du hade kissat ner golvet i sovrummet???? Då hade jag skrattat..... :=))
Vilket fint armband du har köpt! SNÖ har fina saker.

Vilket hus var ni och kollade runt vid i Västerås?
Det kändes i hjärtat att ni hade kollat på vårt hus... då var jag tvungen att gråta en skvätt och sen grät Alfred och mamma... :=)) Vissa saker gör en lite känslig. Kul att det såg fint ut iaf.

Hoppas att ni har haft en skön och avslappnad helg? CLUE såg jätteroligt ut. Sånt är lätt att fastna i .... :=)

Ta hand om dig och min kära bror!!!!!!!!
Många kramar och pussar Mia med boysen och päronen