Wednesday 26 August 2009

Movie all night

Morning! Not so lovely weather today, have been raining tonight and also raining this morning, and STILL raining as we speak :-p Went to our local BMW retailer to hand in our baby for an overhaul (first one for us, it's gone 3000 mil/30 000 kilometres). We started off great, Daniel drove the quad and I went by car, took us about ten minutes to get there. We handed in the keys and went back outside, hopped on the quad and went for work. Well at work I realised my socks were soaking wet! I had thought I could manage with my sneakers but nooo... It seems the need for proper motorcycle boots is growing rapidly... :-p

We had a good time yesterday, thank you Stefan and Mimmi! I got off work at 3.30 PM and walked home, Daniel got home around 4.45 PM. Dinner consisted of tacos, of course.. *cough* I think we might benefit from a cooking course, mohaha, right Daniel? ;-) Anywho, Stefan, Mimmi, Daniel and I went to a local store to rent a movie and ended up with Moscow Zero, some crappy movie with Val Kilmer in it. Boo, I don't like Val Kilmer at all! Everyone bought candy but I didn't! Unless you count cherries as sweets hihi. Cherries, which I should NOT eat by the way, for reasons I wont explain too thoroughly.

Tum te tum.

"In Moscow, the priest Owen hires a team to guide him in the underworld to find his friend Sergei that is missing while researching the legend about the existence of demons and an entrance to hell beneath the city."

Can't say I recommend it. But like I said earlier, it was a very nice evening and I really enjoyed it. Oooops, just remembered now we TOTALLY forgot to serve them coffee/cappuccino! Eeeeek! We've been bragging about our fancy coffee machine for ages hahaha and so we FORGET to show it! Perhaps we don't deserve it fully :-P

Website of the day:

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