Thursday 20 August 2009

Here comes the sun, little darling!

Good morning, sunshine! And indeed it is sunny today! I'll be getting off work at 3PM (lucky me mohaha), rush back home, change into my work out clothes and walk to the gym for a session of sweat and tears. Yes, I'll be going alone, poor Daniel has to work! I'll comfort him with a

- Welcome home, honey, dinner's ready!

when he gets home, like a true (desperate) housewife. Not decided yet on what to cook - any ideas? We had tacos yesterday so guess that's out the window...


Went to visit our neighbours last night, Pedram and Lotta. They're moving out in November to a newly built building close by and needed some expert feedback on the kithen fan which needs changing. Expert feedback from Daniel that is, Lotta and I were not talking fans at all but discussed wallpapers and colours and design hihi. They offered coffee and Lotta had bought lots of different cookies for this special occasion, yum! The Ballerina biscuit is one of my favourite cookies, along with Singoalla. My best friend Caroline and I must've had a MILLION Singoalla biscuits over the years... They consist of two layers of biscuit, with a centre of raspberry jam and hazelnut filling respectively and are disgusting really; lots of hydrogenated fat and dodgy E-numbers. A true miracle I'm not as wide as I am tall... Went back downstairs (we're on the 1st floor, they're on the 3rd) at 9.30 and did some skyping with the Skantz family. We're glad you seem to like it at your new job, Jan! Mia, this song is for you (well the title atleast, not heard yet what the actual song is about!) :-)

My hands are cold! I think Miss Autumn is on her way, wohoo!


Familjen Skantz said...

Hej snygging,

tack för låten! Det var fin!
Ska försöka lyda rådet.

Din nya blogg ser jättefin ut, men jag är lite besviken på att du har tagit bort nedräkningen, ha haha! Puss!

Ha en underbar dag!

Puss och kram Mia

Lina said...

Hej sötis,

Fy sjutton, nedräkningen hade hoppat loss och hamnat längst ner på sidan där den inte syntes! Har flyttat den till sin rättmätiga plats nu; överst på sidan hihihi! Bara 113 dagar kvar!

Visst är den fin, låten :-)


Familjen Skantz said...

Tackar, nu är ordningen återställd!!!

Puss M

Lina said...
