Saturday 12 February 2011

Good Riddance

Sweet, sweet Saturday! This week has passed by extremely quickly and yet it's been a long week, lots of work and not much sleep. We celebrated the arrival of Friday by having a glass of red wine and play some rockband: green day - awesome! I had the microphone and Daniel played the drums, sometimes I mix my singing with playing the bass/guitarr but this time singing was quite enough. Good Riddance is definitely one of their best songs, and we were both very happy they played it at the concert! No doubt the best band in the world!

Went to the gym this morning to lift weights and for some cardio. Weights went fine but then there were soooo many people there the cardio had to be skipped - no available machines >_< So we had a quick walk back home, it's about 15 minutes one way, so wasn't too bad.

I fell down the stairs on my way to work yesterday morning; just outside of Pressbyrån after crossing the rails. Due to the heavy snowfall the stairs were packed with snow and looked like a helter-skelter. I came walking (fully knowing this stair is treacherous) in my slippery boots and fell at the top, sliding all the way down. My butt was full of snow so I later had to hang it up to dry, and I hurt my hand and wrist. At the moment I have a bruise in my palm, and all stiff in the right shoulder/side. What made this a funny event is that when I had gotten up and carried on walking I heard other people falling down the stairs behind me ;-) Totally made my day!

Will see what this day will bring next, have no plans whatsoever. Looks to be a wonderful day with all this gorgeous snow and bright sky!

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