Sunday 12 July 2009

Due to popular demand

Went to Daniels parents after work on Friday, had some nice red wine (of which I've forgotten the name already) and BBQ - awesome :-) Stayed the night and Daniel did some fixing on (one of) the cars, the Datsun 240Z (who would've guessed it's a Nissan?!). Had lunch (I LOVE that food, Lena!) and then went back to Stockholm to hide ourselves under a blanket, watch a movie and to be lazy for a while.

While watching The Wrestler - a truly tragic story which made my tummy hurt and tears dwell - I decided to focus a little on making jewellery, a far more happy ending! ;-) The first two are, as you can see, mostly with white pearls. Think I'll be needing a better camera than my phone because they do look a lot better than they appear on the pictures, can't zoom very well...

Following five bracelets are a little more colourful. I've made the pink one with you in mind, Melvin, since i know you love pink :-) Alfred, I'm still looking for tractor shaped pearls! Mum, was going to surprise you with the amber ones but couldn't help putting them up here :-) Gimme a shout if anyone else'd like one, they're great fun to make! And not too expensive ;-)

Would have loved to show you the cookie and coffee, mon Cherie, but the cookie was all eaten :-( Here is our coffee machine though, ready to take your order! :-)

In bed now, been coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose a lot. Hydrocefalus. Bought a new tea, green tea with lemon in it, hoping that will cure me (along with the added honey) now that the cognac didn't.. Oh, and munching sugar free "fruity fresh Vicks" with raspberry flavor!
Sleep well everyone!


Familjen Skantz said...

Hej snygging,

armbanden ser väldigt fina ut!!!! Melvin tyckte att det rosa var himla fint :=)))

Jag tycker att du är jätteduktig. Vad kul att göra något med händerna. önskar att jag också hade något intresse just nu som har med händerna att göra. Nu är det shoooooopping som gäller...

Visst är det skoj att blogga??? Man blir liksom lite biten...

Pussar och kramar från Mia och hennes killar

Lina said...

Hej sötkola,

Jaaa, visst är det roligt att blogga? :-D Och så roligt att ni tycker det är fint, det är superkul att göra armband faktiskt! Tänkte ge mig på att göra lite örhängen sen också kanske, och halsband.

Ser fram emot när du kan introducera oss för dina shoppingstråk ;-) Helt galet att de redan börjat med julskyltningen!

Massor av pussar och kramar från oss till er!