Sunday 19 July 2009


Just gotten off the phone with Alfred, Melvin and Jan in the USA, lucky them for getting to ride a Cessna 182 (picture to the left, found on Google). Mia, it's a good thing you're staying on the ground since we will be wanting pictures :-)

My cousin is visiting from Luleå (faaar up north) for a couple of days now so he came to our place for a date this evening, also my brother Fredrik, his girlfriend Stephanie and my mum and dad decided to join in on the fun. Cupcakes, buns and those LOVERLY italian crust cookies - could it be any better? Started today with a gym session so really felt we deserved some sugar in our poor, dehydrated veins mohahaha! Also, for being so good with the vaccuum cleaner and tidying of course... ;-) Feels great when everything is where it should be and all the wads are taken care of (aka KILLED)!

OOOH, Melvin and Alfred, we've found you guys a REALLY cool calculator!
They also come in blue and look like a giant piece of LEGO, nice huh? :-) I wish I'd had one when I was younger, might have been more interested in math... My math teacher was also a teacher in technology, which I'm sure he kind of regretted (badly) when I ACCIDENTLY hit his thumb with a hammer... Not on purpose though, he was holding the nail for me and I just... missed it...

Time for our beauty sleep, take care everyone! Hugs!


Familjen Skantz said...

Hej söt-Lina!

Jag är övertygad om att Andy kan ta med er upp i Cessnan, bara vädret är ok! Han är en hyvens kille :=)

Jag har tagit bilder liksom filmat hela starten som ni kan få se när ni vi träffas, vilket är alldeles för långt borta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nu är det bara 145 dagar kvar.... Vi saknar er som crazy!

Det låter som att ni hade en härlig kväll, vad roligt! Hälsa gärna dina föräldrar och bror plus flickvän från oss. Det var verkligen skoj att träffa dem innan vi flyttade

Nu ska jag umgås med stryktvätten ett tag. Den tar liksom ALDRIG slut.

Många pussar och kramar från mig, Jan, Alfred och Melvin

Familjen Skantz said...

PS: Jag ska visa miniräknare för barnen imorgon! Den var verkligen lattjo-lajban, ha ha ah ha!
Puss puss

Cherie said...

Wouldn't mind that calculator myself! :D