Monday 25 February 2013

Oh sunny day

Hardly any sleep last night, but what the heck - it's a beautiful day! Went for a 1.5 hour walk this morning to make the little monkey go to sleep (silence is golden♥). He's been sleeping poorly for a couple of days now which we think is due to the new milk we give him in the evenings, so will pause that for a while. Bleh, thought we'd found the miracle solution to make him feel more full in the evenings so that he wouldn't have to eat twice per night, but meh!

Morris is roaming the apartement looking miserable from time to time, he's probably wondering where Diesel is, poor thing. Diesel on the other hand is doing splendid in his new home - just as we had hoped :-) Solid proof we made the right descision for him! Will have to see what we can do to cheer Morris up.

As you can tell from the pictures the weather here in Stockholm is awesome :-) I deliberately got lost when out for our morning walk (which isn't very hard...) so had to use the maps app to find my way back home. Feels like spring; chirping birds and a warming sun - second time this year I've used my sunglasses mohaha ★

Have a wonderful Monday!

Love ♥

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