Saturday 23 February 2013

Honey, I've shrunk the family.

Like I've told you earlier we've had some issues with Morris and Diesel living together in peace, so put out some ads to find Diesel a new family. Yesterday there was a couple visiting and they seemed to hit it off, so after we've all had dinner together, we said goodbye to our sweet cuddly little Diesel. Was incredibly hard, we stood crying in the hallway as they left. Chatted a little to his new family this morning - Diesel seems to be fine, he eats and cuddles and explores, so we're relaxing now :-)

Went out for a long walk today, it's chilly but sunny - energy booster! ★Elliot fell asleep BEFORE we put him in his pram today, that's a first haha

No plans for the rest of today - will see what happens :-)

Have a wonderful Saturday folks!
Love, Lina

1 comment:

Cherie said...

haha Elliot looks like he's been starfishing on your sofa! Hopeflly Diesel will be very happy with his lovely new family, hopefully you won't miss him to much *hugs*

Love to you all xx