Tuesday 19 February 2013

Back to normal...

...or whatever "normal" is...

The biggest loves of my love went to their parents/grandparents Friday last week, one of the reasons were me being able to sleep a full night and get some sort of mini holiday. And slept I did! Not so much the first night as the apartment felt horribly empty, but well the second night; slept for nearly 9 hours! :) Also had the time to do a cleansing face mask and paint my nails - woop woop! Dan was a little more busy though, the lil monkey was active as always ♥

This Friday we have a family of two visiting, hoping to become three. A while back we decided to let go of Diesel as he's clearly not enjoying life a lot with Morris, so we've had help from the breeder to put up ads. Hopefully (and sadly) Diesel and this family will like eachother, meaning he'll move to a new home in a few days. Feels very sad but it's reached a point where we have no alternative :-(

Met with Emma and her sweet Gabriel last week and both he and Elli enjoyed playing while their mums sipped some coffee :-)

Have a great Monday!

Lina ♥


Johanna Stålros said...

Du är dig lik vännen, men <elliot han växer som en tok;) Kram

Cherie said...

I'm glad to hear that you did finally get some rest over that weekend! Also a little bit of pampering, ideal (great pic also hehe) Lovely pic of Elliot and his friend. Sorry to hear about Diesel possibly leaving your home, I can understand how you feel but obviously for the kitties this will be a healthy move.

Love as always to you and your beautiful family - hope to catch up soon