Wednesday 18 November 2009

The good, the bad, the delicious

Aloha! Today is Wednesday, although it's been feeling like a Friday, the working week is coming to an end. Stayed home from work three days last week due to not being well, feeling better now but still not all good. Bloody sinuses, do you think one can have them removed?

As you all know, selling our apartment haven't been the easiest with it being November and most people focus on Christmas. We've gotten a bid, 150 000 SEK less than we want, so turned it down and prepared ourselves mentally on selling it in January instead. Then, on Monday, our estate agent phoned to let us know he'd gotten a call from a person wanting to come have a look. We decided on Tuesday at 5PM, so we spent Monday evening vaccuming and fixing at home, and Tuesday being hopeful. Five minutes past five, the estate agent called this woman to see if she found her way...

- Oh, I'm soooooooo-ooh sorry, something's come up so I can't make it and I TOTALLY forgot to let you know!

The estate agent then rang us to let us know and for obviuos reasons he was very upset! So were we of course, but hey, we are only human - sometimes you forget things... (I know, I'm a goldfish). We had hoped they could arrange for a new appointment but as we haven't heard from the estate agent today one might have to assume there wont be another one. OK, so January it is then! Best month of the whole year to sell an apartment, according to estate agents! Can't get better than that :-) The contract with our current estate agent will expire mid December, so we'll arrange for another estate agent to come help us instead. Can't wait!

This evening we made a fancy dinner, I made hamburgers and cooked potatoes, along with bearnaise sauce = OH MY GOD, delicious! :-D Felt like a true (desperate) housewife again, been a while since we tried something new for dinner :-) And there's no eeeend to the goodies - last night I made my gooey chocolate cake with whipped cream!

Friday: NEW MOON on the cinemas, and guess who's going? ;-)

Love, Lina


Familjen Skantz said...

Inte många dagar kvar nu :=))))) Tre veckor och en dag, jag längtar!

Jag och Jan ska gå på söndag... Lavietta ska vara barnvakt! Det ska bli spännande att se filmen, hi hi hi. Jag har fått Jan att börja läsa Twilight...

Ta hand om bihålor och hojta om jag ska skicka mer och starkare medikamenter, har sett att det finns....

Pussar och kramar Mia

Lina said...

Oo så roligt! Den kommer säkert vara jättebra :-D

Tack va snällt, vi kommer antagligen köpa lite starkare grejer än Tylenol när vi kommer över hehe. Ska köpa nässpray och se om det verkar avsvällande enough.

puss och kram!