Friday 6 November 2009


Could it be any better? :-D Been waiting for this day since Sunday haha! This week has been intense, busy at work with ups and downs. Some evenings we haven't had any energy to leave the apartment, some evenings we've been out for a couple of hours. Met some people that were unable to stop talking, and some people unable (or unwilling) to speak at all. Hopefully some sleep in tomorrow, before we go about it with all the tidying and cleaning. Another open display on Sunday and Monday! And this time I T - W I L L - W O R K - OUT - WELL.

Period. ;-)

Got my boots on today which came as a surprise even to me! The thing is, as my ordinary working trousers are in the laundry basket I've put on a pair of slim fit trousers, and for those I can't use my ordinary shoes. Hence the black boots - suddenly I look all posh ;-)

Fathers Day on Sunday, off to my parents in the evening for some coffee.

Sooo glad it's Friday. Phew.

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