Monday 23 May 2011


Aloha! Summer is closing in, although today wasn't very warm. Had a huge meeting at work (also all our other offices around the world had the same meeting at the same time) about Responsible Drinking. Afterwards, everyone went outside to have a picture taken and jeeez it was cold! It does look pretty though with all the trees blossoming and blue skies and waters :-)

This is the view from one of the "kitchens" on the 5th floor, which is where ABSOLUT is.

Always a lot of people walking up and down the pier, or sunbathing, and sometimes swimming! Not a very uplifting sight when trying to work, I tell ya :p

Have had some busy weeks, and more busy weeks to come, attended training twice (PowerPoint and another training named "The 7 Habits - read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? AWESOME - if you haven't read it, you should!). This meaning I haven't had the energy for much else.

Went up north to Lingbo in Hälsingland on Sunday last week to visit my grand mother who is ill with cancer, and to visit dad at the memorial grove. It was a sunny day, stood there looking out over the meadow, thinking of dad, and then nearly laughed outloud between the tears as there were no cool cars passing by. Dad would've really liked some cool cars. Oh, I have to tell you: I was sooo shocked the other day - my dad loved Tina Turner, and as I walked for the subway after work I nearly crashed into a woman looking just like her (apart from the clothes of course, but who knows what she does behind closed doors?). I had the phone in my hand pushing the PIN code before realising I couldn't call..! Isn't it weird how your mind shuts down on difficult things like that? I had FORGOTTEN!

Spent this weekend in the good company of Mimmi and Stefan (who were secretly married in Thailand a couple of months back), we all went to Macoteket to welcome Mimmi to the dark side - she bought a MacBook Air 11"! Finally, I must say, we've been trying to lure her over for ages... ;-)

This is what we saw as we had dropped them off to go back home - first time I've ever seen a camel! I did have to google though as I wasn't sure if it's the camel or dromedary that has two humps - google is your friend.

Now - before I fall asleep, time to quickly look at some nice places to go this summer on our holiday! If you have some advice on where to go, do tell me!

Nice beaches for swimming, sunbathing and snorkling

Can't say we're high maintenance, right? ;-)

Sleep well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sun always shines in Hölö.. :)