Wednesday 2 March 2011

Cleaning frenzy

I had a very pleasant surprise this morning - it was Wednesday! I had thought it was Tuesday and felt the whole week loom ahead of me... I know I've probably said this before but I really don't understand where all the days actually go, my weeks seem to consist of only Mondays and Fridays! Having this blog really helps me keep track, well, a little better atleast ;-)

After getting off work today I went to Liljeholmens shopping mall to meet with my very sweet friend Jane and her two gourgeous daughters Nellie and Nova. We spent some time walking around the mall, then benched ourselves in the very fancy restaurant the Golden Seagull (McDonalds). After about five minutes two guys our age sat down at the table beside us, and a few minutes later a man entered and sat down at the table beside them. He began asking them if they could spare a burger, or some french fries or some soda, and they told him no. He kept asking them, and then turned abusive, telling them they were stupid foreigners that should go home and that sort of stuff. I got sick of his abusive and nasty attitude and asked one of the staff to toss him out. Unfortunately the guy turned out to be an extreme coward and did nada, but we were later saved by a bypassing policeman that came to pick up his dinner. Phew!

After I got home I pulled out the vaccuumer and then later swabbed the floor, all the while the dishwasher and washing machine did their job. Which reminds me, the noise has stopped so I should get going again ;-) But before I leave - the Dyson vaccuum cleaner is da SHIT!

Working from home tomorrow morning, some dude from the contractor that built these buildings will be here between 8-10 AM to inspect our apartment.

Sleep well, I know I will!

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