Wednesday 5 May 2010

Not an ordinary Wednesday

Muh, woke up to an (what I thought, haHA!) ordinary Wednesday; washed, put on mascara, got dressed, brushed my teeth, made a sandwich for breakfast at work, all the while I was chatting to Dan. We were ready to go, put on our jackets (yes, you still need them; where did summer go?), opened the door and stepped outside. Then one of our neighbors met us just outside the door...

Well, I'm not sure in which building he lives but I've seen him several times and he's also the one asking us to remove all the snow from the tires before driving into the garage as our SPLENDID garage lacks draining (which is a completely different story - remind me later!). Anywho, he says hello and then asks us if we have spot 71 in the garage. This question alarms us both (naturally) as we both adore our little Baby Beemer - could hardly hear what he said next due to all the alarm clocks making noise.

- Someone has broken into your car, there is glass from the windows all over and your stuff is scattered...

WTF? Noooo, this can't be happening! So we (very politely) say thank you for telling us and rush downstairs and my heart is beating like it's trying to shoot out of my body and there it is - our poor little baby beemer with shattered windows, scratched paint, glass all over the seats and floor, cds scattered inside and footprints in the seats! Our super advanced Panasonic GPS is long gone, along with the servicing receipts and instruction manual - everything, even our sunglasses! All we can do now is go upstairs, change clothes (I sent an email to my manager to let her know I wouldn't be coming today) and g e t t o w o r k.

After getting the car relatively clean from broken glass we went up to change clothes again. Then we went downstairs; Daniel to the garage to drive the car out, me to ground level to meet Mimmi who kindly enough offered to drive us. Before I even get out of the building I notice the three police officers standing by the door... For some reason you always think you've done something wrong when you see a cop! No, I did not turn and run :p

- Are you the one calling this morning about the car and the garage?
- Oh! Yes, that's us! Hm, had no idea they'd send someone out here? We're on the way to Carglass to fix the windows (I'm SURE they're here due to me speeding or stealing a pen from work or SOMETHING equally horrible).
- Well, ahem, you know, Wednesday mornings aren't the busiest of days... (sheepish look)


They joined me to the garage where we met Daniel, they asked us a couple of questions about the break in and asked to see the door to the garage and also if they had left any tools. Tools I had scraped up from the floor along with broken glass and dust and stones and put in a plastic bag... They took this plastic bag with them, after eyeing our quad and chatting a little.

Off we went; handed the car in for fixing the windows, picked up the BMW 540 that's been parked at our old apartment, Mimmi went to her place, Dan and I stopped by to clean the 540, went to the BMW office/servicing garage to order new instruction manuals etc, then went home.

Busy day. Busy day indeed. At the moment I have both a computer and a Daniel-head in my lap, things like this really deplete your energy! Good thing we keep our good spirit :-)

This is what it looked like, only posting two pictures since they're so depressing...

UPDATE! The doorbell just rang and when I opened it I found a little girl, a little boy and their mom, and at first I thought OMG how am I supposed to say no to these kids if they want to sell me something and THEIR MOM IS STANDING RIGHT BESIDE THEM but then when the little girl started talking I grew all warm cos you know what she said?

- I was walking home from school and when I walked by the forest I spotted this one, she says, and holds up THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL! Wonderful, cute little kid, I could kiss you!

Haha, there IS good in this world :-D Now just to keep an eye out for tomorrows newspaper where we can read about two youngsters being eaten by their own butts (that very surprisingly had grown teeth overnight!) when trying to sell two good looking sunglasses and a super advanced Panasonic GPS...

I hope you are all doing well!

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