Saturday 1 May 2010


Arrived safely to Arboga after a couple of hours in Västerås looking at veteran cars (and younger versions) at a local market. Finally bought some furniture for the balcony - just in time as I'm SURE summer will be here shortly! Must admit I'm a little tired with the chilly days and evenings now, would be nice to have dinner on the balcony, or just do some surfing or blogging ;-) Soo, four chairs, now to find a table! Quite like this one...

Although I'd like it to be all black like this one... This would of course mean an additional cost.

Off home to my mums tomorrow afternoon/evening meeting her and my brother with his family. Fredrik told me yesterday that Caiden has my smile - he will be a lovable kid I'm sure! Weird though, but I hear these wonderful traits sometimes skip a generation ;-)

I hope you all had a great Walpurgis! Daniel and I had guests; Mimmi and Stefan came over for dinner and a movie (Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs). Poor Stefan had his tonsills removed Tuesday so he had kiwi, bananas and a protein shake for dinner as he still can't eat proper food. The rest of us had BBQ which was nice! And Brie Cheese of course... :-D

Mum got back home from our summer house this afternoon, driving on her own which is great work! She has spent a week there as they've been renovating the pipes in her bathroom, and then spent the Walpurgis evening with my cousin Jenny (she's 6 months younger than me) and her family.

Talk to you later!
Love, Lina


Cherie said...

Lina that's a loverly set for the balcony..I quite like the black table also hehe :)
So much going on for you, busy lady as always and I see that your nephew has a name :) It's lovely! Spoilt rotten by yourself I'm sure :)

Love and hugs to you and Daniel Xx

Lina said...

Yeah it's nice isn't it? :-) Will see what we end up with, spotted a very nice table but that was sold out, boo!
Love and hugs to you, Jack and Ed!!