Sunday 12 May 2013

Ascension Day

Ascension Day has come and passed, and so has this extended weekend. Daniel has been off work Thursday and Friday so we've made ourselves busy with long walks in the sun, a visit to my brother and his family with my mum (BBQ and family quality time ftw) and a visit to Daniels sister and her family. Her oldest son Alfred turned 10 on May 1 and her youngest son Melvin turned 8 on May 11, so we went there for a joint celebration yesterday. Elliot had to check in on his BMW before we left the house in the morning, and I think he still finds it as beautiful ;-)

What a lovely day! It's been a while since hanging out with them, so yesterday we caught up! Elliot loved the attention from his auntie, uncle, cousins and grandparents, and fell asleep from exhaustion in his pram right next to where Daniel, Melvin and Alfred were jumping on their huge trampoline. Looked like fun! Unfortunately I had to pass as I had pulled the second tooth and was still in pain, but I will next time and that's a promise :-)

Weather here has been above awesome, we've been on long walks every day. This morning was a record though, walked for nearly 4 hours, but time flies when you're enjoying it. Walked past a road sign where some joker had altered the name and therefore the meaning...

I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend!



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