Tuesday 28 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone, hope you are all well and that you've had a wonderful Christmas with yummy food, love and relaxing! Daniel and I celebrated a mini Christmas with my mum, little brother and his family on December 18, and then went to Arboga on December 23 to spend Christmas Eve with Daniels parents. Our day was calm and relaxing with good food, some Skyping with the Skantz family in the USA and the must-have one hour show (Donald Duck and his friends) on TV at 3 PM. My Christmas didn't start off too well though as I had trouble falling to sleep the night before as I was so sad, and then sat crying until lunch due to missing dad so much. Really had thought I felt a little better (I try rrrreally hard not to think about how he's gone) but that was an EPIC FAIL on this day.

Caught this picture at work on December 22, will have to check if it's still there when I get back on January 3... It's been below - 6 degrees Celcius for weeks now and doesn't look like it's getting warmer any time soon, which is a big LIKE for me - I love the snow!

It was so funny when we let the cats out on the balcony earlier; Diesel the Diva put his nose out and then turned and went back inside (no surprise here...). ADHD-Morris took one long step into the snow, sat down with the tail around his feet and just GREW - his fur got thicker in an instant and he turned his ears back so he wouldn't get snow in them - we were amazed hahaha!

This is another thing I "encountered" at work on December 22... Kahlúa Peppermint Mocha, unfortunately not available in stores here in Sweden so we have asked Daniels sister Mikaela in the USA to see if she can get a bottle that Daniels parents can bring back to us. Lena and Tord (Daniels parents) are currently in the air between Copenhagen and Chicago on their way to Pittsburgh for a two week stay at the Skantz residence in Wexford. Still a little nervous regarding their trip, they were supposed to leave for Pittsburgh yesterday morning but their flight got canceled due to a snow storm in NY so they had to go back home and wait for SAS to call them about replacement flights. They were told by a very nasty woman at the airport to just go home and call the airline - is that a way to treat customers?! - and that the first available flight would be on December 31... LUCKILY they got a flight today, just one day late, and should arrive tonight at midnight!

Daniel and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary on December 17! Can't believe it has been one year since we were in New York getting married, and talking to mum and dad on the phone, feels both shorter and longer since. We went to work as usual on this day and then went out for dinner at our all time favourite restaurant - Texas Longhorn at Hornstull Apparently we are brilliant because there was a "rockstar" there at the same time - Dregen. Dregen is a founding member and guitarist of Backyard Babies, he is also a co founding member of Hellacopters! Are we rockstars or what! :-D After this HUGE event we went to the cinema at Sickla to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and then back home!

Have a good evening everyone! ./MWAH!

1 comment:

Familjen Skantz said...

Lina gumman, jag förstår att det var tufft på julafton! Hur skulle du inte kunna sakna din pappa? Det är ju första julen och de som förlorat någon väldigt nära säger att första året är värst... men vad vet jag? Jag hoppas att nästa jul blir lite lättare för dig.

Jag ska skicka mor och far till spritbutiken :=) Får se vad de kommer hem med, he he!
Jag önskar att jag hade kunnat se katterna i snön!

Kramar och pussar!