Tuesday 20 October 2009


Pausing a little tonight.. We've been sooo good cleaning and fixing at home! Saturday was spent indoors, sorting out what can be thrown out and what can not, after that we went to Sickla Köpcentrum (a shopping mall close by) as we both needed to get some fresh air ;-) However, it soon appeared the rest of Swedens whole population had felt the same need to get out, which caused a slight shortage in parking spaces.. Only spot we could find was for 30 minutes parking, meant we had to rule out the latte we thought we had so well deserved, but had to focus on the shopping only. Can't say we're inefficient in ANY WAY when it comes to shopping - we're FAST! Fast and efficient ;-)

Sunday evening we went to the movies with Stefan and Mimmi to se Up! - it was great! Brought a tear to my eye at times, which I definitely didn't expect, hehe, it's supposed to be a fun movie! Don't get me wrong though, it sure was fun and I definitely recommend it :-)

According to our to do-list we still have to clean the windows and do another round of vaccuum cleaning/tidying, then we should be all set for the open house display on Sunday at 1PM and Tuesday at 6PM next week! Not as anxious anymore, although I'm sure we will both be freaked out Sunday morning and Tuesday evening ;-)

Had a pretty good week at work so far, no huge or unexpected events! Daniel is off to meet with his new employer tomorrow morning which is great! Looking forward to having dinner at Texas Longhorn in the evening to celebrate :-D Richard, Texas Longhorn is indeed a place where you eat meat! Best dish in my opinion is the bacon wrapped tenderloin with fries and guaccamole, of course without the bacon.. ;-)

Time to try out Overlord on the Xbox 360! Toodles!

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