Friday 26 July 2013

Today: Västerås!

Lunch and "fika" today in Västerås at the Skantz casa with Elliots auntie Mia & uncle Jan and his cousins Alfred & Melvin - a great day! Elliot brought his new bag with him, packed with toys, and then spent the late afternoon eating his cousins Smurfs :-)

Thanks for today, sweeties! ♥

And thankyouthankyou for the spaghetti... yummienessfromheaven!

Oh, and today I broke the second phone in my life... less than two weeks after breaking the first one! And this wasn't even mine... >_<
You think becoming a mum makes you clumsy? Or clumsiER perhaps...

Love ★


Familjen Skantz said...

Vilken härlig dag vi hade! Tack för att ni kom och förgyllde vår dag :)

Pussar och kramar från oss fyra

Cherie said...

Great pictures, Elliot is growing away! I love his new bag also - it does look very full with toys haha :) *hugs*