Wednesday 2 December 2009


Second day in a row the fire alarm has set off due to construction workers not turning it off properly. The person in charge proves to be somewhat of a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide every time the alarm goes off, only a female version (they're more nasty) and now we're all dead tired of it so we've spoken to our boss who will have a word with her. Phew.

Other than that we're all good, just had hot glögg (glühwein) and warm saffron buns. Already December 2nd, you can't start too soon with these luxuries :-D

Getting off work at 4PM and will be going to the brand new shopping centre here in Liljeholmen, they have H&M, Gina Tricot, Vero Moda, Cubus etc. Not too fond of shopping as I easily grow tired with it, but have to find a warm cardigan else I'll freeze to death! Had -3 degrees Celsius this morning!

Can you believe it's already Wednesday? Weekend and holiday closing in!

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